Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Advantages And Disadvantages of POLYGAMOUS People.

  • Advantages of polygamy can be that stereotypical 'female' roles can be shared. That means that children get more attention, house work is done quicker and also that if a woman in a polygamous relationship wants to work outside the home, she can without worrying whether or not 'strangers' are raising her child.
  • Typically, polygamous relationships are found in cultures where women don't have as much ability to take care of themselves. There is a definite advantage then in having a husband and household security. The extended family (the womans side) also gets an amount of security knowing that their daughter is taken care of into adulthood.
  • Disadvantages can occur when people start to think they have ownership over eachother and get jealous. Other disadvantages may be that as a wife gets older she can be replaced with a 'better' younger woman. She may feel neglected as her time has passed, but monitarily she should still be taken care of and she still has her place in the family.
  • Opinions? Well, I think that traditional European fear of sex has give our western society a bad attitude towards anything other than one man and one woman. I think it's strange considering that biblically (where the fear of sex came from) polygamous relationships were accepted. I also think that this dislike of polygamous relationships also comes from the fact that we now marry for love and little other reason. Women do not need men to take care of them and can be quite independent and do things including raising happy successful children on their own. Infact, our western society has become more and more individual with less emphasis on the family or the need for a family which makes polygamy unappealing. When one marries for love, marriage takes on a whole other meaning. I've never really heard of polygamous marriages that were based on love or companionship alone.

  • Opinions? Well, I think that traditional European fear of sex has give our western society a bad attitude towards anything other than one man and one woman. I think it's strange considering that biblically (where the fear of sex came from) polygamous relationships were accepted. I also think that this dislike of polygamous relationships also comes from the fact that we now marry for love and little other reason. Women do not need men to take care of them and can be quite independent and do things including raising happy successful children on their own. Infact, our western society has become more and more individual with less emphasis on the family or the need for a family which makes polygamy unappealing. When one marries for love, marriage takes on a whole other meaning. I've never really heard of polygamous marriages that were based on love or companionship alone.

1 comment:

  1. polygamy has its whole lot of advantage and disadvantage, and practicing it would definitely be for economical reasons and not love.
