Thursday, January 20, 2011

Influence of the Roman Empire

Many aspects of today's society have been affected by ancient Rome . Creation of law, development of democratic government practices, influences in language, literature, art, infrastructure, and city-planning are all areas where the influences of Roman ideas can be seen. Additionally, Roman influences have had considerable importance in the spread of Christianity.

Elements of modern city planning can be traced to Roman concepts. The Romans engaged in extensive city-building activities as they consolidated their empire. Roman military and colonial towns were laid out in a variation of highly planned grid. Developments in the architecture of fortification, relating to compact space and fast maneuverability, and the discovery of perspective, focusing the description on the eye of the viewer, led to radial focus in city plans and the development of ideal town plans. Many European cities, like London and Paris , sprang from these Roman origins. Similarly, in Washington DC , building designs were derived from Roman styles (Reid, 1998). Roman theaters have also had a considerable influence on the development of theaters in modern society.

Another significant area of Roman influence is in religion. The Roman Empire contributed to the spread of Christianity. In particular, it played a role estrangement between what would become Eastern and Western Christians, known today as Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics. When the Bishop of Rome took power after Constantinople (now Istanbul ) became the capital of the empire, ideological differences became manifest between the East and West. Eastern Christians looked more readily to Constantinople , its Emperor and its bishop. Meanwhile, Western Europeans tended to look to the missionaries sent by Rome and to the Holy Father of Rome for faith and guidance. Ultimately, a split occurred between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.

Liturgical life in both these churches were influenced by the Roman Empire , though in different ways. In the East, court rituals were conducted lavishly, whereas in the West, services tended to be more simple and sober.

The legacy of Rome has clearly left lasting impacts on numerous aspects of modern society. Many things in everyday life can be traced to Roman origins, such as components of language, architecture, art, and Western government. The implications of Roman influences in today's society are clearly significant and far reaching.

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